Taxi Sacramento
There are several taxi companies in Sacramento area, having a taxi transportation always hard because you must know which taxi company serving in your area and the time you need taxi service make sure they are open.
Most taxi companies work 24/7 in Sacramento but depend on availability. If you have large group of people there are van taxi available in every taxi fleet.
Wheelchair van: having wheelchair vans is hard you have to book in advance because every taxi company only have only one wheelchair van behind 25 regular taxi. So if you or your friend need assailable van make sure book in day advance.
Taxi Fares In Sacramento: Taxi fares are monitored and fixed by City Of Sacramento for Sacramento taxi industry. But still you can get good deal on your taxi rides depend on how far you going more far you go more you get discount.Kmm Cab Co offers good fare in Sacramento area their fares are 20% lower then any other taxi company in Sacramento.To estimate fare click here